The global elite is currently implementing the Great Reset. They can only succeed if we bow to their plans. The good news is: it is not too late. Here are 22 ways you can resist the Great Reset. Try to fulfil as many points as possible.
Have more than two children. – The global elite, especially the eugenicists, are trying to depopulate the world. They claim that there is overpopulation and that we must bring the global population down by discouraging women from getting children, demonizing the construct of family, population control through vaccines and other measures, etc. However, overpopulation is a myth. Of course, having more than two children is fine if you can afford it. The “philanthropist” will hate it.
Eat lots of pasture meat, and feed bugs to chicken only. – Klaus Schwab wants us to “eat ze bugs”. Don’t get me wrong, a fried locust can be delicious, but it is definitely not the future of our diet, even though the media is pushing for it. Instead, we should eat what our forefathers have eaten: meat, fish, shellfish, roots, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. Skip the bugs - feed them to the chicken.
Stop eating more than 8g of sugar per day. – Sugar affects our brain pathways like addictive drugs, and most of us don't realize how much we eat. Human studies confirm the link between added sugar and higher inflammatory markers. Skip the sugar - your health will thank you.
Consume alternative and objective media and learn how to read and interpret scientific studies. – There are many great alternative media sources such as Telegram channels, Substack newsletters, blogs about climate change, and general news such as Off-Guardian. Also, try to learn how to read scientific studies, including their methodology (which is almost always biased). This will improve your decision-making processes.
Drive a robust car without many electronics. – This has several advantages. Such cars usually don’t break that quickly, you cannot be tracked, and the government has less control over you. Imagine buying an electric vehicle when facing an energy crisis and blackouts in particular, quite apart from the fact that the environmental footprint of an electric car is much higher than conventional cars with a combustion engine.
Reject vaccination and CO2 passports, and digital IDs. – The German Green Party, currently part of the government, already proposed climate passports before the plandemic. The CO2 and social credit score will come; it is only a matter of time. Fortunately, they won’t succeed if insufficient people comply. I know many people that took the vaccine just to be able to travel. This degree of gaslighting and blackmailing mustn’t happen again.
Be self-sufficient regarding water, food, and electricity. – There is nothing the governments fear as self-sufficient and independent citizens. Everything you grow and produce yourself, the government cannot tax. It also makes you less susceptible to blackmail. Even if you own a balcony or roof terrace in a city, you most likely have sufficient space to grow pesticide-free vegetables and harvest some sun’s rays. Alternatively, join an allotment association.
Own your land and farm it. – As stated in the bullet-point above, owning some land is crucial these days. Before growing anything there, I strongly advise improving the soil of your land. Rumble and Odysee provide many videos about composting and mulching. You also might want to look into the principles of agroforestry and permaculture. Usually, 1000sqm is sufficient to provide your family (incl. grandparents, siblings, cousins, etc.) with meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
Insist on your privacy (look into Linux and CalyxOS). – Man is a creature of habits, so I know this step can be difficult. But for the sake of your privacy, this step is quite crucial. Big Tech is one of our main enemies, and you don’t want Google, Zuckerberg, and CCP-Twitter to know more about yourself than you do. I personally like Ubuntu Linux as it is beautiful and user-friendly. CalyxOS is an Android operating system that puts privacy into your hands.
Insist on your privacy #2 (searx and brave, don’t google). – We all google, and I have to admit that google offers excellent features. However, Google is a dangerous data octopus that also manipulates search algorithms (favouring Democrats, climate change, COVID etc.). SearX is a brilliant alternative. So is Brave, which uses its own search engine. Support our friends instead of your enemy.
Pay with cash, and avoid bonus programs. – Cash is power. Pay with cash whenever possible. I have been without a bank account for one year because of expressing my opinion. Other dissidents’ assets have been frozen and blocked. Doing everything digitally makes you the perfect slave: resist! Also, do not participate in payback programs. They actually use your data to generate money; nobody gives money away for free.
Consider homeschooling to avoid the kids getting brainwashed. – I know that homeschooling is illegal in many countries, and not everybody has the (financial) freedom to move to a country where homeschooling is possible. But what you can do is to educate your child on things that matter: hands-on skills. 90% of what I learned at school was literally useless. These days I am facing real-life issues such as “how to install an electrical system”, “how to repair the roof”, “how to conserve foodstuff”, and “how to avoid paying taxes”. The school doesn’t teach that.
Connect with like-minded people. – It does not matter where you find them; online, at the local church, in your neighbourhood or in sports clubs. Connecting with like-minded people is necessary to stay sane and support each other if necessary. A study from 2015 shows that “society plays an important role in determining the quality of life of human beings particularly in case of loneliness.” You know what to do! :)
Take responsibility for your own health. – You are responsible for your own health, nobody else and especially not the corrupt WHO. Whether to munch a handful of Big Macs tonight is your choice or prepare a healthy, self-made paleo dish. It’s also your choice whether you are going to watch a Netflix series tonight or go and lift weights instead. It’s your choice whether you will lurk on social media tonight or go to bed early to get sufficient sleep.
Turn off your TV. – Or even better: sell it. There is nothing decent on TV. Mainstream media worldwide reports the same things resulting in mass anxiety. By the way, it has been known since the 80s that television can harm mental health. Nowadays, they are shamelessly trying to make us believe that watching TV is good for you when you sit home alone due to unscientific lockdowns.
Continue expressing your opinion. Don't comply! – The louder, the better. I comprehend that many of you are afraid of losing your jobs for speaking up. I’ve been there, and even though I lost a lot (job, money, friends, etc.), my life has never been better. Many new doors opened after doing so. Be courageous!
Exercise more, and reduce your time on social media instead. – Exercising is good for your health. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. On the other hand, using social media correlates with depression, anxiety and psychological distress.
Buy local products; boycott Nestlé, PepsiCo, Kraft, etc. – Processed foodstuff is poison. So boycott these ten multinationals that control the global processed food industry to the highest degree possible. Instead, grow your own food and purchase local products.
Practice spirituality of any (positive) kind. – It does not matter (to me) whether you believe in the Bible or simply Karma and energy. What matters is that you practice spirituality. Spirituality can help you deal with stress by giving you a sense of peace, purpose, and forgiveness. It often becomes more important in times of emotional stress or illness.
Invest part of your money in gold, crypto, land etc. – Don't put all your trust in big banks; neither crypto. I consider gold and land safely. It's always a good idea to hedge your bets as we will most likely face a global crisis as we have never seen before.
Ditch the mask and smile at people. – The mask mandates could come back during the winter (the typical season for respiratory diseases). Not complying and giving a smile to manipulated people is the way to go. Globalists hate that trick. Positive vibes are contagious; that way, you can do your part to end the general mass psychosis.
Support unbiased scientists and politicians. They/we need it. So please subscribe to my Substack, and in case you can afford it, become a paid subscriber to support my awareness-raising work (see also: Why subscribe?).
Is there anything I missed? Feel free to leave some comments below.
Dr. Simon :)
Brilliant! Also, get involved with local politics & voting - form a citizens group to keep close tabs on both!
There is a big difference between elite and elitist. Elite means being the best of a class, whereas elitists use their attitudes and beliefs to self-proclaim themselves of being privileged and better than others.
Just because they believe they deserve favoured treatment by virtue of their status (in this case social standing or wealth), these people have proven again and again they are totally inferior.
These people are in fact just elitists, not above the universal law of karma.