Jeremy Farrar is a British medical researcher and director of the Wellcome Trust since 2013. The Wellcome Trust is a British think tank with a financial endowment of more than 35,000,000,000 USD. On February 1st, Jeremy Farrar invited the following people to a teleconference, as the leaked Fauci emails show.
Christian Drosten and Marion Koopmans are known for their fraudulent PCR test. Just one week before that call, they bypassed a peer-review process and thus made mass testing of the whole world possible.
Virologist Kristian Andersen (million $ NIH grantee) is known for writing that his mind was changed in 5 days because UNC’s Baric lab & Wuhan’s WIV investigated common viruses in their labs. Also, Kristian G. Andersen privately told Fauci the virus looked engineered on the same day that he publicly ridiculed the lab leak theory.
And of course Anthony Fauci - I think I do not have to write anything about that highly corrupt person here.
Why am I writing all this? Because it is publicly available and government-verified information. So far, no journalist in the mass media has dealt with it, although this scandal was just screaming for attention. Even worse: the biggest German news magazine "Der SPIEGEL" published an interview with Jeremy Farrar today, saying "We are facing an era of pandemics" and warning against premature recklessness with Corona and perfectly adapted virus variants. Farrar's concern, he said, is that human influenza and avian flu pathogens are crossing.
Although journalists Rafaela von Bredow and Veronika Hackenbroch should have known about Farrar's involvement in the early stage of the plandemic, the whole interview is completely uncritical and biased.

To give you an insight into their uncritical reporting, I have taken the liberty of translating parts of the interview. By the way, you can bypass the paywall by visiting the website via a Ukrainian IP.
SPIEGEL: Is it still possible to find a vaccine for this whole soup of different variants?
Farrar: We have to get out of this situation we're stuck in now; and the only way to get out of it is to make vaccines.
SPIEGEL: What situation are you talking about?
Farrar: If we don't develop vaccines that prevent infections, we will remain in this cycle of fear and strife. True, there will be no more lockdowns because society won't accept them. But the tensions would remain: Should Oktoberfest take place, can we safely open schools after the fall vacations, do we have to wear masks on public transport?
SPIEGEL: When you look back - what was the most momentous mistake in the pandemic response?
Farrar: The very biggest mistake was that we didn't take it seriously enough in the first six weeks of 2020. It was the time when a pandemic could still have been prevented.
SPIEGEL: In early 2020, you were very concerned that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. You estimated the probability of such a lab leak at about 50 percent, but you now consider the lab hypothesis very unlikely. Why?
Farrar: When the sequence of Sars-CoV-2 was released on Jan. 10, 2020, some features stood out that at first glance looked unusual and therefore suspicious. However, as I see it today, this was mainly due to our level of knowledge at that time. It then became apparent quite quickly that the characteristics that initially looked alarming were also found in other natural coronaviruses. Moreover, in retrospect, we see that the wild type of virus in Wuhan was not yet perfectly adapted to humans; only Omikron succeeded in doing that. Apart from the location of the outbreak, Wuhan, there is actually nothing that speaks for a Lab Leak. In all probability, Sars-CoV-2 originates from the animal kingdom.
The reason why these two journalists do not ask truly critical questions is multifaceted. First of all, I believe that they are thriving followers of the Scientism sect. Critical journalists hardly exist anymore - at least not at DER SPIEGEL or other mass media. In their bubble, critical people are considered endangerers and right-wing extremists. The degree of journalistic self-censorship is accordingly high.
On the other hand, the principle of "he who pays the piper calls the tune" also applies in journalism." The fact that the Gates Foundation gave this magazine almost 6 million US dollars for "global health policy awareness" has an unpleasant aftertaste. I find it highly unlikely that no quid pro quo was asked for this money. I believe that even if one of these journalists had asked a critical question, that part of the interview would have been censored by the editors, and the person would probably have received an internal reprimand.
Be that as it may, this propaganda is dishonest and on par with the German propaganda paper of the 1930s "der Stürmer." So it is up to us, the free journalists, to continue to enlighten society.
Kind regards,
Dr. Simon
Pure evil and corruption. I pray that I live to see them all face their day in court and punishment.
Dr. Simon. Thank you for this information.