Peter Hotez and I share an unpleasant two-year history. When I was not yet banned on almost all social media platforms, I confronted leading coronists with their own contradictions. After Hotez spoke out in favour of universal vaccination of children, my collar burst, and I dubbed him "Dr Evil."
His response was as follows:

His comrades-in-arms and fellow believers were also quick to speak out and even accused me of anti-Semitism - a typical cyber-bully behaviour. Peter Hotez and his friends around Yamey eventually called on their followers to report me en masse, which ultimately led to the deletion of my account.

However, my criticism had substance. I consider Peter Hotez's ethics to be radical and counterproductive. Journals like Nature and The Lancet let him publish any nonsense without even questioning his statements. Of course, I cannot prove corruption, but it is evident, as the following examples show.
In a publication, which he published in April 2021 in the journal Nature, titled "COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression - Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces.", Hotez suggests that military force should be used to combat "anti-science" sentiments.
“The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”
Peter Hotez even managed to integrate his hatred of Russia into the publication, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Covid vaccines and his supposed witch-hunt against the "anti-scientists".
“The United Nations and the highest levels of governments must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States.”
It remains a mystery to me how Nature was able to publish a paper in which the author demands the unvaccinated be treated as terrorists, and in case one doesn’t comply, Hotez will summon his nuclear disarmament/anti-terrorist task force.
In another paper that Hotez published with Chelsea Clinton (!!!) in the scientific Journal The Lancet in April 2022, they explained how to violate medical ethics with coercion.
“As countries plan promotions for COVID-19 vaccine boosters, well-designed and well-publicized incentive programs can support efforts to achieve coverage globally.”
It has to be noted that people would take the jab voluntarily if there were a deadly pandemic. The need for an incentive program wouldn’t be necessary.
And as if this wasn't enough already, his latest publication unmasks the absurdity of his pseudo-scientific phantasma. In September 2022, Hotez, again, was able to publish his mental diarrhoea in a high-impact journal.
And again, he was able to include his political opinion in something where it doesn’t belong: a scientific publication.
“Even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, widespread hunger and malnutrition were important global health threats.”
The content of that publication is beyond imagination. One cannot make that up, but these journals seem to be so corrupt that they accept anything Peter Hotez submits. The paper concludes that:
“While averting an imminent food catastrophe may not be possible, there are options for accelerating malnutrition vaccines to reduce its impact. Given the unanticipated time lags and inequality gaps that we witnessed with COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic, we must begin this process imminently. Otherwise, we risk similar vaccine access and inequity gaps, and all-too-familiar yet unnecessary losses in human life.”
There is absolutely no need for malnutrition vaccines. The contrary is the case. We need to abolish all these antibiotics and vaccines used in factory farming. Instead, we need to return to the roots and produce a high variety of different foods in one ecosystem. This principle is called permaculture and produces way more food per hectare than industrial farming while improving soil quality and boosting biodiversity.
Instead of being a voice of reason, Hotez decided to push the world towards Soylent Green and 1984 dystopia by running marketing campaigns for misanthropic companies masquerading as scientific publications.
Having a PhD in biotechnology and working in academia for >10 years, I am done with science. Instead, I will keep a sharp eye on those who have ruined the reputation of science and write about it on my Substack and Telegram (click!) channels.
My God, what a creep that Dr. Evil is! Do you think he knows he's evil? Or does he really believe his mental diarrhea? Day by day, I'm amazed at the level of absurdity and corruption. Sometimes, I literally shake my head in disbelief. Thanks, Dr. Simon your Substack, very enjoyable. And your interviews are quite fun, too.
Dr Simon... I am not sure how some of these rotten souls are still roaming the earth, spewing their lies and now, planning to kill off those that don't actually die from famine. Find your corner of earth and begin to grow... lead by example and many will follow. Come to the Yukon - there are people in my community who practice permaculture....