I remember watching the public health officials try and scare people into taking the H1N1 vaccine. It looked so silly and obvious that they were trying to scare the public about something that wasn’t scary. When the Covid pandemic began, I realized that the public health figures had learned from past experience that they needed more to scare the public into compliance. Enter PCR testing. They learned what to do. These people are psychopaths. The death and destruction that follows them and their work is incalculable.

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He's got those coal eyes that Antony Blinken, Bernie Madoff, and other psychopaths have.

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Sadly, with the corruption of our judiciary & legal processes, don’t expect this psychopath to be arraigned anytime soon. The best we can hope for is a people’s court & street justice.

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They don´t care for any form of check´s and balance´s. Those psychopath´s are satisfied with their own ingenuity

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Or he becomes a liability. That would work too.

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Death to Drosten: Figuratively speaking. Meaning-his deceitful cabal,

his lies, his harmful policy promotion, unwarranted coercion, and astronomical unnecessary deaths that occurred AND CONTINUE TO OCCUR ESPECIALLY OUR HEALTHY INNOCENT YOUTH!

So yes. Death to Drostens freedom, and livelihood with life long imprisonment. Although he deserves far worse. Time for atonement.

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I´m with you. He is an offender, a wimp but an offender

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"all members of this REAL conspiracy need to be put on trial, just as was done with the Nazis after World War II".

Truth is: Most of the Nazis remained in their jobs, namely the judges. E. g. Willi Geiger even had a great impact on the "justice" in the "Federal Republic of Germany". Catholic priests like Father Rupert Mayer who were sentenced by the Nazis remained sentenced in the FRG.

So what can you expect from such a Germany? I have my thoughts because I live here. And I know that even alleged "alternative" groups / parties in Germany are no alternative but just a variation of errors. This whole "Covid" mumbo jumbo is - more or less - taken seriously by all the people all over the world. Even today the majority believes nearly all absurdities - and that is not restricted to "Covid". And still today there are mask mandates in Germany. Mundus vult decipi.

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Listening to his video messages in 2020 (Between Issues 6 and 7) I stopped and asked myself, what is his mission. He was and is (now in a sleeping mode) one of the faces of the official "nudging massage team" of our government to fear us and keep us stressed.

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Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR test and who died in 2019, even said that the PCR test was flawed, so why would anyone listen to any of these Globalist clowns anymore!!

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Not sure where the 2020 excess deaths figure comes from. Others have said there were no excess deaths prior to the covid vaccine rollout in 2021.

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Christian Drosten WAS put on trial, via the 2022 Reiner Fuellmich Court of Public Opinion Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial, for which he was indicted along with his five other putative defendants. For details see this two-stage post kindly hosted by my colleague Joel Smalley: https://metatron.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmichs-grand-jury-court.

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Reiner Fuellmich is afaik still arrested because of Infidelity suspicion. I observed the Fuellmich movement (theatre?) from its beginnig and finally, already some months ago, openly warned against their activities. E. g. they claim that the satanist Viganò of the Vatican-2-sect is a "Catholic bishop". Totally unacceptable.

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The Fuellmich clan has zero transparency if you ask me...

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You are misinformed. Dr Fuellmich was forcefully arrested in Mexico and flown to a German prison to face trial on what looks like (and he claims is) a trumped-up charge of embezzlement. The establishment will clearly use any pretext to shut him up. From his last interview in the following link it is clear that he is happily married, see https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/breaking-reiner-fuellmich-taken-from.

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