Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022Liked by Dr. Simon

Asymthonische Ansteckung ist der Basis von Impfpflicht. Aber jetzt sogar nach der offiziellen Mitteilung der chinesischen Zentralregierung: Stadt Wuhan hat bestätigt, dass 300 asymptomatische Infizierte weisen negative Viruskultur-Ergebnisse auf. 

Das bedeutet, dass asymmetrische Ansteckung alles imaginär ist!


Asymthonic contagion is the basis of compulsory vaccination. But now even according to the official notification from the Chinese central government: Wuhan city has confirmed that 300 asymptomatic infected people have negative virus culture results.

This means that asymmetric contagion is all imaginary!


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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022Liked by Dr. Simon

The year is 2019.

The ghost of Christmas future comes to me and says, “Johnny, in 3 years the dumbest amongst you are going to willingly wear identifying badges on their faces that deprives them of oxygen, and repeatedly inject themselves with experimental medicine that causes them to drop like flies.”

I say,

“Pinch me, I’m dreaming. We’re never this lucky.”

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Dr. Simon

Nailed it. Thank you for improving the original content.

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Topol has been in cover up mode for one of his coworkers who was a whistleblower until he was corrected by Fauci!!!

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The CRIMINAL failure to recommend safe, effective ivermectin /HCQ is STILL ignored. W ivermectin, every injection, every death, every injury, every infringement on our rights in the name of “saving” us from COVID wouldn’t have happened. At least 500,000 lives Dr. Andrew Hill admitted to Dr. Tess Lawrie that his recommendation against ivermectin might cost would have been saved—plus every life lost to lethal interventions since then. The world would not be filling up with millions of injection-injured victims. :


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The Darwin Awards...it's going to be tough this year.

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Apologies in advance for this bad pun.

Topol? Fiddler on the Roof?

Topol? Fiddler of the Coof?

My work here is done. I thank you. I am here every Monday at noon.

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Thanking you now and later.......

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100% agree Topol spreads dangerous medical disinformation. Regarding Long Covid, however, it has been determined that COVID19 affects the Autonomous Nervous System (ANS), even in people who presented with no neurological manifestations. So isn’t it possible that mental instability can in some cases be caused by an ANS response to inflammation? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8359764/

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Read here once starting from page 30, then you understand perhaps, why there are so many illnesses and deaths by these experimental, contaminated and toxic gene substances - these criminals knew THAT already since February 2021 - and in order to relativize that, humans are told that this would come from a so-called "virus", which NEVER existed however!!!


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