You’re inspirational. Thank you for sharing! That would be a dream of ours, to do what you’ve accomplished. But we’re not yet ready to give up on Canada, although it’s quite grim atm. On our end, we’re growing more (albeit not yet enough) food, learning to pressure can, hunt, etc. And meeting with like-minded people in the firearms/hunting/radio community. Learning new things every day, and trying to slowly detach from the matrix...

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I'm not worried about the great reset.

We went through many great resets, like the industrial revolution, ww1, and ww2 which changed a lot of things.

The main thing I prepare for is to not panic and stay open to learning new things.

I understand that technology is how they intend to control us, but abstaining from it is not a solution.

Knowing the proper use of technology is what matters.

As Bruce Lee said "be like water"

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The true test will come when all people that "live" online have to jump through the biometric scan hoop to continue "living" online.

Everyone else can dodge that bullet (for a while until it becomes a requirement for breathing) by ditching their current equipment and adopting alternatives that are not hotwired to Big Surveillance at the hardware level.

Even then... there are other ways to "control" the population that has nothing to do with the latest digital technology. Flip the switch on the power supply, blame it on someone else. Spoil the food, blame it on evil space dust, disrupt supply chains and destroy central hubs, that'll get the ants all antsy and then you roll out the most severe form of martial law you've ever seen with shoot to kill orders like you've never seen, although it's likely bullets have become a thing of the past ever since jabs replaced them as the most effective silent weapon ever deployed.

You will "be like water" when they sublimate the bodies and feed the nutrients back into the Soylent Green production plant.

The only forces that appear to be pushing back at the moment are all zionist puppets. And the underlying issues that have to do with resource depletion are still playing out as expected. There is no real change or deeper understanding of the situation coming from the apathetic general public that have gone back to sleep after getting their multiple rounds of free injections. And the loosely labeled "rebel" camp are a bunch of frauds leading the "awakened" astray. That's just the sad reality right now.

Most people will jump through the hoops as they always have done and the rest will struggle to "operate" in the new environment.

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This is the way. This period of history is many things, but boring isn't one of them!

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They would like to see you dead, they want to empty the planet. If you are ready for that then you are not well.

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I don't think it's going to get to that.

Anyway if it comes to that like a nuclear war or whatever they have planned, living in the sticks won't help me either.

During covid, I felt doomed because people fell for it. I thought we were fucked all over the world.

But now if you look at how conspiracies (that are real) are being talked about much more than before the covid mess, people are starting to distrust authority.

That gives me hope that the predator class is losing control.

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If anyone believes that you simply "ran away from a fight" and chose to live out your life in the Brazilian jungle, that person never had to endure the persecution you did, Simon. God bless you. I am glad to have read this on Thanksgiving Day here in the US. You should be at the top of a list of people who deserve our gratitude. Humanity flourishes when people like you go to the lengths that you did to shine a Klieg light on these crimes that have been committed against humanity. The fraudulent use of the PCR test was an integral piece of the illegitimate foundation upon which the p[l]andemic was built.

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Glad you are independent minded. I admire your courage and skills to achieve self sufficiency. Cheers🌞

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About 10 years ago I saw the need to get off the government grid and get on my own grids. I went off the electrical grid about 2 years ago, I am now working on the food grid. I was blessed to be in Florida where they don't shoot the unvaccinated for the most part.

I have gone as far as learning how to run engines off charcoal that I make, and I also do aquaponics, combined with wicking grow beds. I as a Christian do see the time of buying and selling coming to an end and the need for barter may be my only option. I do see a time that the other sheep will report me so living life to the fullest now while I still can, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Thank you for sharing the truth with us, I am sadden to see chickens are now being killed using the same PCR tests... As you know this is not about health, this is all about control.

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Unfortunately, these tests will continue to be used as the main excuse for mass culling of healthy animals including pets when the time comes.

This situation will not right itself by individuals running to the woods and growing their own trout.

It will only turn around (if possible which is doubtful right now) when enough people stand up and force the government and the courts to carry out the will of the newly awakened populace (which again is unlikely but it's all we have).

Some people still believe that government swill leave these "independent" smallholdings alone but it's relatively easy these days to make their lives near impossible without having to go door to door after labeling them all terrorists.

Most of these pretenders are still deeply dependent on the supply chains that modern life provides.

Without the solar panels and pumps and greenhouses and tools and animal feed and all the other regular inputs required to run each individual smallholding all paid for with dollars earned in the system they wouldn't be able to begin.

And in the likely case that at least some of these regions start to go feral... the millions of inhabitants with nothing and nothing left to lose will come looking for the little farms that thought they could run away.

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Yes, I have said to a friend that this is the killing of the buffalo.

The native Americans had all they needed to live without government support. But the government could not have that so they killed the buffalo, to gain control

Today our government here in the USA is killing our buffalo. Removing oil from us, and targeting our food supply, and energy.

Some native Americans did not get taken, here in Florida they survived in the swamps where the military did not survive the mosquitoes and rigors of the swamps.

So escape is possible, but I agree for the vast majority this will not be the case. Parents have allowed their children to be brainwashed in schools that are controlled and funded by the China Communist Party,

I cannot control the sheep, I will wake the lions and do the best I can with them. It is clear censorship is fully engaged.

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I tip my hat to you sir.

The natives lived the natural life for thousands of years, through thick and thin, come rain or shine, with natural medicine, worldly wisdom, astrology, mythology, a deep connection with the Earth, stories passed down from elders to the new generation, and a will to survive.

I guess we're all native Americans now.

Or maybe we were the buffalo all along?

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As the native Americans would say...... "Welcome to the reservation....."

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Cheering madly for you Simon. Well done. Very well done.

I'd love to read your twitter threads and your destruction of the Drosten PCR deception.

I would post either on my facebook page. That PCR crap needs to be circulated widely.

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What a fabulous story. You are brave and true. One day the tables will be turned but for now you are a real hero

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I'm happy to hear you are doing so well.

Man, your life is like Robinson Crusoe on Steroids. That book also starts with slavery and a shipwreck, which are comparable to censorship and cancelling people from their job or their bank account.

Banking should be sacrosanct, and exist completely separated of any political nonsense.

What am I doing? I'm stuck in a deranged eurosocialist country which is wealthy, but is quickly running off the cliff. Not many options. At some point there could be an upheaval. We have to be ready for that opportunity. I focus on cultivating my mind and inspiring other people. It's the individual's mind what will save people. I see the Great Reset mainly as a process of destruction of the mind of people. To resist, helping to save minds is an OK thing to do. I wish I could do more.

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"I'm stuck in a deranged eurosocialist country"

Me too!

And yes... I think there will be upheaval at some point. But obviously the Convid wasn't enough. Maybe food shortages, fuel prices, some other medical con?

Biometric digital ID to buy groceries, stay online?

Mandatory jabs to keep healthcare, job, banking?

They know when to back off but the next push is getting close.

I pretty much have submitted to the Digital ID part but I will not submit to mandatory jabs. That's my line in the sand.

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If they get the Digital ID they will get the jabs one way or the other.

Digital ID and money IS the line in the sand.

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Agreed. But everyone where I live already has a form of digital ID as standard so that line in the sand was crossed some time ago.

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To a point this is true. In the end though I have no fear, just survive until judgment arrives. And no that thought has nothing to do with organized religion, I do not partake nor have I ever.

Even still, my faith in God has never been stronger and I know He is soon going to act as He will not allow His creation to be enslaved and destroyed by satan.

So this is why I know a pole shift is imminent because I see no discernible justice and I see more jabs rolling out.

God will allow for, well its already playing out as the earth is literally cracking up and volcanoes a galore everywhere including extinct ones coming to life. The oceans are also boiling and it has nothing to do with humans. Whats happening on the surface with earthquakes and volcanoes is happening down below magnitudes more.

This is just a tiny bit of information but I'm sure you remember the fake news this summer saying the oceans were boiling, well this time they are not lying.

Some major force is interacting with our solar system and all the magnetic poles including the sun.

The oceans once super-heated the earth.


“It’s just mind boggling.” More than 19,000 undersea volcanoes discovered"


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Cosmic Superwave incoming?


I lean more towards the idea that natural forces and cycles are playing out and there's not a lot we can do about it if anything at all.

I use Base Level as a descriptive naturalistic replacement for God where things are set in motion but then not interfered with. The algo plays out until we return to Base Level.

So yes... in a way... we're in God's hands now. And on an individual level it would make a lot of sense to "get right with God."

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God is setting the pole shift in motion.

The scientists are unsure exactly where the UHE ray came from. "Its arrival direction points back to a void in the large-scale structure of the Universe ," the researchers wrote in Science. https://www.newsbreak.com/utah-state/3240998596146-earth-slammed-by-ultra-powerful-goddess-particle-cosmic-ray-and-we-have-no-idea-where-it-came-from

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Amen friend, thats the most important thing atm, get your spiritual house in order.

I'm a fairly smart guy but I have no idea who or what God is, perhaps its even the earth itself but I have no idea.

All I know is I feel it and connect with it so something is very real, plus I see those who are godless and how they are and the fear they succumb to.

I have seen many who say all is planned out for us and I struggled with that for many years as it did not mix with free will/choice which we obviously have, minus tyranny of course.

But I think I have figured it out somewhat, the earth and what happens cosmically or on earth on a global scale is planned out BUT our souls journey among all this chaos is not planned out and we have choices and decisions to make based on how we interact with this world that determines whether or not we move on to a 'different level' of life somewhere in the cosmos.

A little saying I came up with during the plandemic, far too many trusted in man and science both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system, well guess who has not been let down.

Now that same man, that lies and manipulates was intricately involved in putting words to paper as it relates to the good books, that for me is enough to question 'organized religion' that and the obvious common sense fact that there can only be one God.

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Quite a journey, Doc. Very impressive. Do you miss your old life?

I bet the night noises at your place are amazing. God bless.

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The nights usually are 100% silent, but sometimes I can hear the stream that is passing my property.

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Simon: You have been a great inspiration. I am on a similar path: uprooted my old life and moved into a forest community in central Ontario. We are in a corridor that is connected to the northern forests and is relatively wild even though it is near-ish (45min drive) to several large towns. All I could manage this summer was to build a greenhouse and a chicken coop (the latter with help from a wonderful crazy neighbour :-) I would love to have established all the infrastructure you have managed to do -- not sure how you managed it all. BTW I'm an ex-physicist. I'm doing my best to bring truth into the world. With appreciation.

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We were mentally ready to leave for Brazil when things were crazy.. We were so close. Then Lula got elected and I realized how quickly a country can change. Around the same time our restrictions lifted so it seems better off here than there for the time being anyway. We would have ended up in Recife which would have meant leaving one city in 1 country for another big city in Brazil . Amazon is not easy to get to. Impressive you found a spot. Cheers and best wishes.

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In the old days... people thought New Zealand was a good place to run away to... boy, did they ever find out how wrong you can be.

Sometimes it's better to stay put and ride out the storm.

Not everyone can hop around the planet and build self-survival compounds in the middle of nowhere, then pat themselves on the back like it's some great achievement worthy of recognition.

It's not. Any fool with money can achieve this.

My thoughts are with the millions if not billions of people who are stuck wherever they happen to live until the day they die. They have to make do and the best they can do is resist the policies that are being implemented to enslave them and reduce their numbers.

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Why bother reading the Substack of a morally courageous warrior for humanity like Dr. Simon if you are going to descend into insults like: "Not everyone can hop around the planet and build self-survival compounds in the middle of nowhere, then pat themselves on the back like it's some great achievement worthy of recognition. It's not. Any fool with money can achieve this."

Intimating that Dr. Simon's fight on our behalf, the enormous professional & personal price he paid for doing so, or the yeoman's labor involved in not only moving internationally but building a self-reliant homestead (in a foreign country no less) is just piffle, suggests your own life experience is very parochial indeed.

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No insults. Just facts.

I just see peacocks parading for attention and wealth.

Millions of people lost their jobs. 100s of millions injured. 10s of millions dead and counting.

The damage is done. And the perps are looking to repeat after having perfected the method.

Unless people stand their ground in the places where they live then nothing changes.

Individuals and their homestead fantasies matter not one bit to the billions of people that keep civilization ticking.

These billions have no idea who these "hero" characters are.

Many of us have done our best to wake up the tv repeaters in our local communities and beyond, but I have to say, they are not responsive. If it's not on tv it doesn't exist and is not trustworthy.

That's just the way things are.

And that's why when push comes to shove governments are able to override any dissent with sheer force as they always have done. The dissenters are labeled mentally ill and whisked away to "hospitals" where they are chemically lobotomized and reinserted into the population with the 80% who are incapable of critical and independent thought.

Trust me... I'm not being mean here... this will not be solved by voting and lobbying your representative in parliament etc etc.

You are being played at every level. Left and right from top to bottom. World government is the goal and the good guys are leading us towards the promised land of milk and honey whichever path you take.

There is no solution for the masses. An energy/economic miracle would simply speed up the depletion of easy to extract resources.

The elite are actually wrapping things up (for this cycle) in the most benign way possible by keeping it going a little longer.

At least Kissinger is dead.

But it doesn't change the trajectory that we're on.

4000 spent fuel ponds need to be "managed" before things get worse. No one is doing this.

Parochial is good.

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so if you were living in Eastern Germany in 1960 all you needed to do was move further West and have a great life but if you stayed in the Eastern part, look what your life would have been. Its not necessarily the same everywhere.

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"All you needed to do was move further West..."

Again, most people didn't have that option open to them so if one person was able to bribe their way out or get VIP treatment and safe passage for some other reason it still stands as an anomaly and not the norm.

Thanks for bringing up the comparison though because in many ways what we went through was the beginnings of something similar to previous dictatorial lockdown and control scenarios if not quite reaching its full potential and long term establishment, say twenty years or more.

But the similarities are all there...

Papers please

Forced medical testing and jabbing without informed consent

months long lockdowns complete with checkpoints and random searches

restricted travel beyond national borders

Round the clock indoctrination

Setting children against their elders

Snitching culture

Media censorship

Fines for bad behavior

Profiling of dissidents

Quarantine rules

Threat of camps always lurking

Yep! It's all there.

And I repeat. Most people were stuck where they live and had to stand their ground as best they could.

Of course, the vast majority simply went along to get along.

And that's always the problem in these situations.

There won't be anywhere to run with the next psy-op.

My only hope is that not as many people fall for it this time.

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Wow! I can’t imagine what some people endured through the “pandemic”. You and others like you truly endured persecution for simply being a voice of reason. How bizarre.

I live in a small rural community in a largely conservative state (US) and things were scary but life was pretty normal for most of us. The scary part was simply watching the madness spread through society, a society that seemed to me to be so rational just a few months before we were all told to panic because of an invisible microbe that was killing off huge swaths of the population (about .24%).

Personally, my biggest challenge was just dealing with the reality that most of my family/friends/community/church were so susceptible to falling for the most ridiculous set of lies I have ever heard. “Stay safe by locking yourself in your house!” So stupid.

But as time went on, my eyes were opened to all the lies I had fallen for over my lifetime. I had an existential crisis while witnessing the world fall into chaos over silliness.

I’m very jealous of all the sun that you get! Living in a northern climate means that being self sustainable is very, very difficult. It’s nearly impossible. We need tools to be able to live and those tools come from China, for the most part. We also need feed for our animals, which also come from the current economic system.

But, we have made some changes, like expanding our garden and now, we generally only buy meat from local producers who raise clean meat from animals that are free from vaccines and gmo feed. My hope is that we are building a community that is resistant to the system of control and that we will be healthy and that we will not fall for the ridiculous mandates and tyrannical demands when they hit again. More awareness is key.

I’ve tried to think about what the next move will be by the technocrats who are running this sh*t show and honestly, the tool that helped most of us resist in the first place was the internet and being able to find alternative, independent media outlets. Because of this, I assume they will try to shut that down, as evidenced by the efforts happening in government to make registering for online ID a requirement. If they ever pass laws enacting this, or are somehow able to shut down the internet in general, resistance will be nearly impossible. Knowledge is power and the biggest threat the technocrats face is people who have educated themselves outside of their propaganda machine. If they succeed in shutting down the internet, I don’t know what chance we stand against it.

Until then, I will keep educating myself and trying to gently persuade people that I love to wake up and realize that there really are people who want them either dead or in a slavery system. It’s a leap too far for many people but I have seen many people who have realized the lies and corruption. This to me is the best hope. This and building up local economies as much as possible. Centralized economic power and production is our enemy. Bay a mess the world is in. This kind of control of the population did not exist before we were all tied into the internet. It’s a blessings and a curse, but mostly, a powerful tool of psychopaths.

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This is a testament to choosing life, liberty, freedom from tranny, and life on one’s own terms. I celebrate your spirit and persistence to break through all the barriers with which you were faced.

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Freedom from tranny.

That's funny.

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I sold my homestead block Dec '19 just before it all started. Used to have dairy goats, etc. But physically could no longer cope with it all. I still needed fuel and feed from the feed store so wasn't really self sufficient.

Now I'm in town although it's small (pop ~ 2500). My veggie garden takes up most of my yard, is watered for the most part by a water tank I installed. I swap produce for eggs.

I'm completely reliant on society though.

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Exactly. This has happened to so many people who wanted to try the sustainable lifestyle. Since the seventies it became a fad and pretty much always ended up with people going back to their old jobs if they'd have them.

It's actually quite sad to still see "educated" people still investing all their hard-earned money in this "lifestyle" for it to hit home eventually.

I come from a community that lived the subsistence farming lifestyle for real and not one of them would want to go back to that even though there are fond memories of community too.

You can't go back.

You can't take millions of people from your local city and put them all on homesteads growing organic food. It simply can't work that way.

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Its obviously important to be as self sustaining as you can be BUT the big goal is to have 'enough' to survive for a year or so u7ntil the new society gets up and running AFTER the coming earth catastrophe/pole shift which will destroys evils control over humanity....and much of evil as well.

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You are amazing Simon! So incredibly impressive what you've built. You could write a book about the process of becoming self-sustainable - helping others to do the same and earning some money from the book sales. I am sure lots of people would like more info on i.e. how to build a great greenhouse, or how to run a car on ethanol - I for sure do!

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There are literally millions of pages written on these topics and thousands of blogs that have laid out all the steps in great detail.

These modern day homesteaders rely on a large number of technological and material inputs that keep them ticking.

Without the inputs... they fold like a house of cards.

And they'll be eaten alive by the hungry hordes that come-a-lookin' when the cities implode.

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