One infuriating thing: the dancing nurses.

People generally don't know the subtext and don't make the connection: there was this famous game, Fortnite, very famous among kids and millenial entertainers. One feature of this game is that the winner gets to do a humiliating dance of victory over the virtual corpses of his frenemies. The nurses were doing a humiliation dance to insulte their victims. It was planned, but almost nobody noticed. Certainly, the nurses didn't know the real meaning of that stupid fad.

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I read an interesting theory about those nurse dances. What if they couldn’t TELL us there was no pandemic because they would lose their jobs but they COULD spend hours at work choreographing dance routines instead of treating patients to SHOW us there was no emergency?

It’s food for thought…

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Interesting idea.

My personal experience says otherwise. I have (had) friends in the healthcare industry, doctors and nurses, who towed the line for Pandemic.

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Look at 2012 Olympic Games. There’s a Chinese woman, reapers, children being read stories and chasing “black hooded cult members” with dancing nurses in masks. The pretext is there. Also look at the CERN ritual with the humans walking in lockstep. Most people would think it’s inconceivable that such elites would have such a religious underpinning in their doctrines but the fact is they are as it is.

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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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You're a legend and this is absolutely on point.

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The shady origins of the PCR test, and the un-rigorous way it was implemented (varying Ct cycle count and number of hits required to be called a positive)?

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Isolating people is horrible for the immune system. Keeping healthy people from exchanging microbes is bad for the immune system. Using toxic sanitizers is bad for the immune system. In our state, alcohol and marijuana was legal while salad bars and exercise businesses were banned as well as some specialty food places. Our local grocery store roped off garden seeds as an area that people could not shop in. Promoting children have online classes was a disaster for mental health. Keeping people from the beach was terrible for health. Promoting people to live in constant fear is terrible for a person’s immune system. Putting people in poverty is bad for health. Keeping women and children locked in a home with abusive adults is terrible for health. Pretty much everything they focused on was bad for heath. I was voicing concerns over this from the beginning.

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Re your comment - that is generally what happens when you retire - you are isolated from the younger people who live all around you, because you are too old and they don't want to know you and your use in a community has ceased when you no longer work and have any further use to anyone. Retirement is more about living out your final days until you die in various forms of solitude - I know all about it, having been retired these past 25 plus years and I enjoy it to the extent that each day I do the least possible for the greatest amount of time and I have it down to a fine art now - I rent a room for a fiver a week to a person of the opposite sex to me, so I have company when I want it and if they leave, they take away what they brought with them and nothing of mine, which works fine - this one has been with me for over 8 years, so far.

You only have bad health if you allow yourself to be ill - you have good health as long as you tell yourself you are well and nothing will stop you achieving whatever you want out of life - I know, I am a survivor and I know that subject backwards!!

My free salt water cure kills all viruses before they ever get to be Covid anything, I have not been virus or bacteria ill for over 30 years so far, nor do you need to be if vaccinated or not, while it is still your life, you should have some say over how you live it, re my 12 volt DC car shock to kill off the installed nanotechnology - as above

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AND, dare I say it, any bio/humans who have been converted into human robots who want to make contact with me - I should be able to smell them coming. Assuming we still have electricity "on" I was thinking of putting up a 12 volt DC cattle fence around my home, which hopefully they would touch and short themselves out on - or at least the nanotechnology which makes them robots - so I don't have to do that afterwards. Next job destroy all 5G cell towers in my area, so that "they" don't get their orders by 5G in my area - lots of new, abandoned cars to choose from, for maximum knock down effect, I imagine and no particular loss to me - just saying.

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There is a simple explanation for this shenanigan.

There is no virus. There never was. It's a massive PsyOp, designed to fool people into taking the deadly injections.

The great culling, in action.

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True. The data supports that... It was what authorities did that killed people https://twitter.com/Detrieman/status/1516169908156919808

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No, there is a virus or bacteria, each time a person sneezes into the air around them. In the case of an infected person, that happens many times and you get infected when you breathe those microdroplets into the nasal passages of your head, where like seeds, they take root and flourish - my free salt water cure kills them off quick so you can't catch Covid anything and you can find it on my substack

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There is no 'virus' that killed the elderly and vulnerable.

They were killed by lack of care, murderous protocols (early intubation, Remdesivir).

The bounty placed on every patient with COVID and every COVID death was critical to maintain this narrative. So was the complicit media, paid by taxpayer dollars, parroting same story over and over again, showing meaningless COVID 'cases' and COVID 'deaths' (from many unrelated causes).

If hospitals got paid for every patient saved from COVID (instead of died from COVID), do you think we would've had so many deaths? Think about it.

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Yes, bacteria have been shown to exist...but "virus" is imagined. Please read the methods section of any scientific study you like. You cannot say a physical particle exists if it has never been isolated, and tiny specs on an electron microscope don't constitute proof of anything other than an image with a tiny spec. Furthermore a "genetic sequence" of a specimen containing more than the purified thing in question ("virus") is nothing more than nonsense.

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'viruses' or exozomes are not infectious, because they don't travel from human to human. They are produced by the cell of a sick person, within that person, due to stress, poisoning, toxicity, IMF radiation, etc.

In fact, the exozomes might be the cell attempt to destroy the poison, to detoxify itself, or to alert other cells of the impeding danger (like feromones).

The thing is, NO ONE has EVER isolated the virus from a sample of a sick person. Ever.

But the sample from a sick person should be filled with viruses, right? Otherwise how can that person infect another person?

Christine Massey has over 200 FOI requests from various institutions and universities around the world and NO ONE has ever found a virus in a sample from a sick person. EVER.

In order to find the 'virus', the virologists use some monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells which they starve and poison in a test tube. They don't isolate the 'virus' directly from a sample of a diseased individual, like you and I would expect..

It's pure quackery, virology is a fraud and virologists are snake oil salesman, whether they know it or not..

What the virologists CAN do, is produce toxic 'vaccines' filled with heavy metals and poisonous substances and when they make people sick, say they caused an 'immune response' and they produced 'antibodies' against a 'virus'.

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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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Yep, yep, yep aaaaaand yep!

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=> Yuri Bezmenov: https://odysee.com/@HOAX-REALITY:1/understanding-the-political-scenario:6

warned us 50yrs ago that the USA and all western democracies are in danger of ideological subversion by the collectivists / communists.

Compare our history with his predictions from 1984 - a perfect match.

And they killed him soon after his lectures.

The face of communism today:

- Twitter before the brave intervention of Elon Musk

- UN 🇺🇳




- "stakeholder capitalism” (what a joke!)

- State Department

- permanent state




- the CENTRAL Banking system! This is the ANTITHESIS of a free market.

=> they’ve built a system to redistribute wealth from the hard workers to the ultra rich 🤬

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Dr. SHIVA LIVE: How Elon Musk Fools “Conservatives” to Conceal REAL CENSORSHIP.


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Your #2 is how I knew in March 2020 it was all a lie. In the event of an actual pandemic (which is likely impossible in the age of daily planetary air travel), any serious medical professional would have advised how to strength immune systems. None of the government or media experts did. Every single mitigation effort they suggested or forced was the EXACT opposite of what they should have done. After then learning PCR tests were being used to legitimize the fraud, the con was almost laughable. I am shocked to my core it has gone on this long.

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Where I live the rona was not only height dependent, but time dependent. As everyone knows, virii sleep during the day, and are only active after 8pm. Plus the masks worked like security cameras are supposed to work. Just as some would be criminals avoid robing a place that has security cameras, the virus avoids infecting people who wear masks (maybe it's afraid that the wearer's imbecility is contagious, who knows).

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Masks don't work and they never did. The only thing they are good for is to conceal your face in the event you don't want to be identified by CCTV. The purpose of the masks was to scare you into getting mRNA vaccinated and it worked like a charm, just the same as being told that if everyone was vaccinated, the human species would get herd immunity - which was a fallacy too, because every living animal and insect on this planet, which breaths air, can pick up and pass on viral loads from animals to people and back again - another "clever" nudge to get more people to be vaccinated.

Interestingly and as I reported on my substack yesterday or the day before, VAERS was letting contracts to record mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths, in the region of 2,000 per day, to the tune of US$54 million, 6 months before the mRNA vaccines were released for Moderna's Covid virus which they patented in 2013 - so how did VAERS know how many would and did get injured or died, BEFORE the virus was released a few weeks after Bill Gates Event 201 - probably from Fort Detrick bio lab and the Chinese carried the can for that one, BUT Moderna patented their Covid virus in 2013, not the Chinese - so.............

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Please have a look at how "viral load" is measured. When you find that it requires pcr, you will realize "viral load" cannot be measured. Please also have a look at CSTE position statements and find that "confirmed cases" were determined originally exclusively via pcr. When you see that pcr cannot possibly confirm a "case" you will realize there are zero "confirmed cases." Now have a look at the methods in any paper that purports to find and "isolate a "virus." When you realize it hasn't been accomplished, please write about in in your substack. There is no virus, for if there was, it could be found. Your heart is good and I appreciate most of your comments.

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Oh boy have we been lied to, what a waste of money, waste of lives. Human life is worth less 2022 than 2019.

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Oh Boy, what is the final solution for the mRNA vaccinated, once the 5G Cell Towers begin operating and they get their orders from a computer - the nanotechnology injected, having now created a connection to the brain of each person by a nanotransmitter, which will probably take over where human feelings have been replaced and no longer exist.

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No idea what these lunatics are planning, they are clearly unhinged.

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My favourite covid con : follow the arrows in the supermarket and other shops. One way entrance, one way traffic in aisles, one way exit. Stops you catching the 'virus'. I had fun going the other way!

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Ha, ha! They had those stupid arrows at the Farmer's Market, OUTDOORS. So if you saw a cabbage at one stall but wanted to see if there was a fresher-looking one at another stall ahead, you had to go thru the whole circuit. Of course, I broke the rules. But it was just stupid. There are still places mandating masks, though you can now roam freely at the Farmer's Market.

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Dont knock the one-way arrows... I wish they were permanent...I'm pissed-off by having to weave around and dodge the idiots...I'm sure they're brain-damaged by the Vaxx and need all the help they can get...Although their schooling no doubt contributed...

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If the government cared about the vulnerable elderly they wouldn't have shoved them out of hospitals in to care homes then give them midazolam and morphine.

"The Midazolam mystery remains – despite attempts by many to explain the doubling of its use in care homes and NHS hospitals after March 2020".


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This video exposes the murder of elderly people using morphine and midazolam. Recommended, but extremely disturbing viewing.

( sorry I've edited this comment a few times as I posted an incorrect link. Have finally found the correct video link!)

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Early treatment

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I am so PLEASED to find you on Substack Dr. Gold. You are one of my heroes!!! I sent funds to your organization when you were in jail I was so HORRIFIED they did that to you.

And you are back on twitter (I am still permanently suspended but I can peek!)

Best wishes to you for the New Year. ]

PS thanks for sticking up for us old people!!! They have Been MASSACRED during this scandemic.

If not by shots by "standard of care" which included large doses of morphine and no food or fluids for about a week. No antibiotics for them! I lost my father, mother and aunt because of these practices.

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NO so-called "virus" - NO so-called "variants" - NO so-called "spikeprotein" - consequently, there is also NO so-called mRNA in these experimental, contaminated and toxic substances - it's pure poison!!!





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Absolutely true!

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another fine entry. smooth to read, & you know how to engage people. those are all solid points. & damming. the best one could say is insane greed from so many side at once; which is also a total failure. the over screening & early (known to be stupid) models made this pandemic. i am convinced that if the public were never told: they would not have noticed (& more would be alive.) it just isnt that dangerous, & the interventions were SO harmful. how far ahead did they know, thats the question.

but they are still going: with the vac mandates for physicians, masking in places, vacs for travel, screening...& on & on. the censorship. (the literal internment camps.) the Gvt curfews. & physicians (& most scientists, frankly, who had an obligation, if they had any training others did not, to speak out: the silence.) im puzzled by a lot of the betrayal, i underestimated fear. but still people (on both side, if we draw a crude line) are not engaging the data. some route learn some things which i believe are correct. but, one can tell by the way they talk, they do not quite grasp it & are not taking it further.

thats plenty. but i like what youre doing man, like your story, like your vitamin idea (the data is gr8 on D, for all viral infection.) i know the K data lesss well, but trust your judgment. & IVM is safe & to gosh darn heck w them! it is as good/poor as anything that was offered (& not thousands per dose.) gr8 entry. _JC

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