Great article with very good points.

We are currently in a very dangerous situation with regard to universities, where independent thinking young people, and those who are not prepared to put themselves into debt, are rejecting university. A disproportionately large number of the docile, those who are happy to put themselves into debt and those who actively support Agenda 2030 are signing up for degrees.

Of course, the state takes graduates for its fast stream in the police, civil service etc - so the people who are students today in our captured universities are going to be telling us what to think in twenty years' time.

The system is self-selecting the worst people in society - those who don't question tyranny - to have power over us.

A young man of my acquaintance rejected university as too expensive and 'woke' and taught himself to draw and program from the internet. He has since had jobs in the tech industry where he worked alongside graduates, and was more competent than they were. One only has to look at the quality of scientific research to realise that this problem is also present in scientific as well as tech fields.

Just one quibble with your article - the dark ages were so-called 'dark' because we don't have much written history from them. It was the medieval period when the Church was able to influence what early scientists were allowed to say. Even our understanding of that is flawed - it was known before Gallileo that the sun was the centre of the planetary system. Gallileo was born in 1574, the same year that the heliocentric clock in Strasbourg Cathedral was completed. It had already been known and accepted by the Church that the sun was the centre of the universe. Gallileo just got on the wrong side of Church politics, and the story has been used to beat Christianity ever since, and make out that the Church is against science. The Church doesn't always support the correct scientific conclusion (witness the Pope's support for the jabs), but the truth is far more nuanced than the anti-Christian propaganda believed by many.

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We start by withdrawing consent and participation from these entities. The list is long.

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Having witnessed the decline of the scientific method under than mangling, ever tightening ratchet of policy-based "evidence", and then walked away from a "culture," academic position and a university thoroughly hijacked by DIE ideology, and then, watching the simultaneous dissolution of ethics and science in 2020, while eventually being a subject of political installed injection mandates in 2021 that deprived one of a livelihood, it is and was blindingly obvious that science had bee utterly captured by politics.

Perhaps now we begin a descent into the abyss of ignorance and evil, one of official approval, a dark age of destruction. It would reflect the tyranny that currently embraces and manufactures a narrative of chaos and incoherence?

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The Enlightenment brought about by the rise of science in the West, is now fading as we slide back into the darkness, with preminence of all-powerful authority, at the expense of observation, evidence, data, and logical thinking.

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The system is broken.

Another category that may need changing is to go back to private student loans. There was a huge shift of value/money when all of the loan programs went federal.

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I heartily agree Simon but your wish list is a dream which I can’t see happening very soon. Interesting that you were the only one who didn’t get a chance to speak. Essentially we need freedom of speech, of thought, of research, of bodily integrity and the scientific structures must be decoupled from business and NGO funding as you say. Freedom!!!

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Regardless of whether you agree with the thesis in his book "The Big Bang Never Happened", Eric Lerner provides a very compelling expose of the tug-of-war between science and religion throughout the ages. Highly recommended for that alone.

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Hear! Hear! (well, Read! Read!) #1 boggled my mind when climate cultists started saying it, and completely wrecked me when "scientists" started saying it. The whole point of science is that it's NOT settled. That's why ya do sciencey shit.

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When truth is the enemy, science becomes the enemy.

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Institutional reform has to occur on a much broader field than just the established university systems. How 'education' is funded and to what end needs to be addressed. Perhaps it is time to limit government funding and underwriting to only STEM programs and start weeding out the social studies curricula that fuels the political and ideological bent resulting in the corruption of scientific inquiry.

STEM and technical skills training is what is needed far more than another batch of social science majors, lawyers and misguided 'liberal arts'.

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Excellent!! You’ve nailed it. (Scientifically, of course). Thank you for your courage to stand against the planned totalitarianism!!

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

Golem. (I searched for lizard faced mud heads). I dreamed, last year, the picture you posted today, but in the dream it was raining, hard, and we were running away from them, as they were falling down into the mud, and then standing back up, as they turned into Golem.

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Pres Trump has a plan for free college degree that's truly innovative & eliminates indoctrination of commie controlled continuing ed ~


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Lol, you've mistaken me for someone who cares about your mental issues. I was only reporting the facts.

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Don't get your panties in a bunch anri just bc your rant was absurd, just take your meds.

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Brilliant post. How did common sense become so uncommon and so maligned? Someone please pull the cord and stop this crazy train.

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