Young children and teens are being mentally abused by current "education and educators". Since when has it been legal to confuse and play with another human's mind?

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These Cultural Viruses are really symptoms of the larger disease: Lack of identity. Most individuals growing up in western society do not know who they are beyond what the mediums they consume tell them they are. http://mixedadvocate.com/2023/11/13/identity-why-choosing-what-you-believe-mattters/

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While it's true that women are being masculinised in the sense that they are expected, and expect of themselves, to be more like men in certain spheres – e.g. career choices – they are also simultaneously becoming charactarures of femininity. This explains why many woke middle class women speak in a highly emotional and overly polite manner full of silly intonations and sentences that end with question marks. The current woke culture simultaneously celebrates femininity while mostly rejecting traditional female roles and expectations.

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The worst thing is not that pseudo-science is funded by taxes. Many more things are, and nobody ever bats an eye.

The worst thing is the resulting constant humiliation and the fact that many people are forced to obey crazy "rules," which results in the culture of "the conformist psychopath":


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It’s a carefully planned and executed scheme. Evil is not sustainable. The institutions will


We’ve just gotta survive.

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Thanks Doc, a real breath of fresh air called the TRUTH!

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These People Can’t Keep Their Shit Together.

This Is What Winning Looks Like.

Because That’s Exactly What It Is.


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Thanks for your work!

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What insulting sexist b.s. This writer apparently never grew out of the white male supremacist mentality that pushes a power relationship betw people based on sexuality with white men in the deciding seat. If he ever did any research into the development of what he rails against, it was people like him that actually began to experiment with the idea and practice of controlling/changing genders. It was white males that experimented on women. It was white men who couldn't handle women having the power of child birth that sought to create test tube babies and to find ways for men to control that life forming ability. And it is white men who are petrified to lose their status as king of the mountain based on their sexuality. And it certainly is a white male mentality that controls a church that demands control over people and their life which all too often promotes white male supremacy. Fortunately even religious institutions are changing to be open to the variety of humanity that we all are.

This guy may have the ability to have gotten a degree but that is no guarantee he knows how the actually think or to be a decent human being.

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Story submission?

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Great 6 points.

Resource that people may find useful - timelines of many of your point 2 topics and more


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