The Nocebo Effect: How fear and panic have led to a higher mortality rate.
Spoiler: They pulled it off on purpose.
Avicenna was a Persian scientist who lived 1000 years ago. Legends say that he put two lambs in separate cages with the same health conditions. But only one lamb could see a wolf that was put in a third cage. The observations were astounding.
Both lambs were provided with the same feed. Also, the weight was exactly the same when the experiment started. However, several months later, the lamb, with the sight of the wolf, became cranky, restless, weak, and showed significant weight loss and signs of poor development.
The lamb that was under chronic stress as it was placed in a situation of constant apparent danger died eventually. 🐑🪦 In fact, the wolf did not pose a danger at all, but this was beyond the lamb's perception. Nowadays, this phenomenon is known as the nocebo effect.
This experiment showed that increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol have a terrible impact on the metabolism of mammals. And 1000 years after this experiment, we face a similar situation again, but with the difference that we are aware of the impact of stress.
Within the last 30 months, we have been overwhelmed with medial and governmental propaganda concerning a common cold virus that doesn't harm most people. Extreme global measures were and are still taken.
These measures included:
👉🏼 Being locked away (#StayHome, curfew, etc.)
👉🏼 Closing all sports facilities
👉🏼 Restricting social life
👉🏼 Destroying livelihoods (i.e. uncertain futures)
👉🏼 Promoting social divide and destroying families
👉🏼 Using insufficiently-tested gene therapies
The uncertain situation increased the degree of fear (of the future and health) for almost everybody living on this planet. Media coverage in the form of gaslighting and fearporn has contributed much to this. Instead of calming people down, a lot of fuel was poured into the fire. This is precisely the opposite of what the WHO has stipulated until 2020 in the event of a pandemic.

As Avicenna showed, this method is totally counterproductive. The mammal homo sapiens requires the feeling of security and comfort to strive. Constant stress leads to cytokine storms that cause chronic inflammation and, thus, a weaker immune system. This is general knowledge.
It is undoubtedly not about our health. Otherwise, we would not have observed the following events:
👉🏼 Censorship
👉🏼 Suppression of evidence
👉🏼 Constant vaccine commercials/propaganda (people would take them voluntarily in case of an actual pandemic)
👉🏼 Closed schools and restaurants
👉🏼 Introduction of the New Normal/Great Reset
👉🏼 A test that actually creates cases
👉🏼 Testing “asymptomatic” people
👉🏼 Destroying the middle class
👉🏼 The 'Event 201' and Governmental Panic Papers
👉🏼 Re-labelling of dead people
👉🏼 Empty hospitals and dancing staff
👉🏼 Survival rate of 99,9+%
👉🏼 No loss of lifetime of those dying with a positive PCR test.
The survival rate is an essential factor. It is very high compared to the observed one in the lamb experiment. Given the stress, it is hard to determine the root cause of the observed slightly above-average death rate. But was it due to the measures or the virus?
I am convinced that the measures caused the majority of excess fatalities. If we had tested the global population for the (currently extinct) flu using a similar high-Ct PCR test, we would have observed much higher flu-related fatility numbers.
And now imagine a Western country that totally forewent spreading medial fear (and no, Swedish media did so too) but instead promoted healthy food and exercising, fought loneliness and worries, and thus took away the fear from its citizens. Could we have expected a better outcome for society? 100%!
A high amount of scientific publications underpin my assumptions. This one, written by Glaser and Glaser (1999), deals with chronic stress and mortality among older adults. On the other hand, loneliness also leads to increased cortisol levels and eventually to earlier death. All of this wasn’t necessary. There was no need to forbid the elderly to be visited by their family. These measures were simply inhuman, and they knew it!
Emotional loneliness is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality in older adults who live alone. – Súilleabháin et al. (2019)
It is definitely necessary to continue enlightening people that the measures were most likely designed to cause social and economic destruction instead of keeping us healthy. The only social class that profited from this event were the top 1% and their political servants - our shepherds.
And yet, most of the sheep keep on trusting the malicious shepherds, although there is considerable evidence that unmasks their underlying objective.
I personally believe that, as a result of what has happened, one of the biggest problems is that science has fallen into disrepute. The pandemic became a matter of belief, and it usually requires severe events to lose faith in something one really believes in. This is why persuasive arguments won't convince COVID's witnesses even after more than two years.
The good (and bad) news is that the upcoming events (pandemic aftermath, vaccine injuries, energy crisis, “climate change”, etc.) will cause many personal misfortunes. Whenever we observe such an individual fate, we can provide support to that person to eventually bring back sanity and rationalism to this beautiful planet to ensure a worthwhile future.🌍❤️
Cheers, and if you like my content, please give me a follow!
Simon :)
Very good article. I recall when I was walking in the neighbourhood in 2020 and the playgrounds were closed with yellow tape. I also watch this in April 2020: (the video was originally on youtube but then it was removed), where Dr. Erickson said the authorities have done exactly the opposite of the recommended ways to improve one's immune system.
One thing that I currently struggle with is continuing to read all these substacks that bring more and more to light the truth about the mRna vaccines & western governments, health authorities corruptions and evil actions. I am not sure reading this every day is good for us. The truth is awesome, it sets you free, but every time I read an article like this one, I am thinking that the people responsible for these atrocities are still walking free, are still holding the same positions of power as if nothing happened. I haven't heard of any resignation due to imposing illegal vaccine mandates. There is a massive failure at all levels in the western governments, health authorities, at least in Canada and US - doctors, judges, army (I cannot still wrap my head around mandating CV-19 vaccines in the US army where it is clear they hurt young and fit people; I thought an army protects their staff).
Shouting the truth is very necessary but it is not enough, I am afraid. In quebec, instance, they re-elected the most vile politician that imposed illegal curfews. When all the political parties fail to remedy the evil that was done, what is the sensible course of action to steer the ship on the right path? Florida seems to have the only sane leadership in North America. I thought Alberta too, but there was something off about Kenney, he did an 180 degrees and re-enforced last year vaccine mandates.
Thank you - that really pulled together the harms beyond the vaxx itself.