Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

Very good article. I recall when I was walking in the neighbourhood in 2020 and the playgrounds were closed with yellow tape. I also watch this in April 2020: https://rumble.com/vrsj3b-most-banned-video-on-internet-dr.-erickson-covid-19-briefing-in-april-2020.html (the video was originally on youtube but then it was removed), where Dr. Erickson said the authorities have done exactly the opposite of the recommended ways to improve one's immune system.

One thing that I currently struggle with is continuing to read all these substacks that bring more and more to light the truth about the mRna vaccines & western governments, health authorities corruptions and evil actions. I am not sure reading this every day is good for us. The truth is awesome, it sets you free, but every time I read an article like this one, I am thinking that the people responsible for these atrocities are still walking free, are still holding the same positions of power as if nothing happened. I haven't heard of any resignation due to imposing illegal vaccine mandates. There is a massive failure at all levels in the western governments, health authorities, at least in Canada and US - doctors, judges, army (I cannot still wrap my head around mandating CV-19 vaccines in the US army where it is clear they hurt young and fit people; I thought an army protects their staff).

Shouting the truth is very necessary but it is not enough, I am afraid. In quebec, instance, they re-elected the most vile politician that imposed illegal curfews. When all the political parties fail to remedy the evil that was done, what is the sensible course of action to steer the ship on the right path? Florida seems to have the only sane leadership in North America. I thought Alberta too, but there was something off about Kenney, he did an 180 degrees and re-enforced last year vaccine mandates.

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Thank you - that really pulled together the harms beyond the vaxx itself.

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According to a study by the CDC, the second largest risk factors for hospitalisation were anxiety and fear-related disorders. Public health officials knew this, of course, it is common sense, but they made every effort to terrorise people from the start. And they will keep doing that, because it was never about health.


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Beautifully put together. I really enjoyed the analogy using the sheep. Thank you.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Excellent synopsis on how fear leads to a shorter lifespan, live a life of faith and enjoy each day.

The vax Nazis live in a constant state of fear and have made the government, WHO and CDC their Gods while the unvaxxed use critical thinking and discernment and mostly have faith in God and in doing so live a much more fruitful life sans worry, which in itself, leads to premature death. Sad.

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You shed much light and antecedent to what we have lived and are living through.

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FDA Approves COVID Vaccine for Walking Dead:

"Officials at The Food and Drug Administration recently approved Pfizer’s BioNTech Vaccine for the undead population, which comprises millions of zombies across the United States. The authorization will further expand the vaccine’s reach to cover every living — and non-living — person in the country."


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Nocebo effect is closely related to the mere thought effect. They are both psychological theories. The mere though effect takes place when the thought of an issue, event or object, creates a perception of more significance. The increase in the significance of the issues, event or object, causes an increase in attitudes. Mere thought effect is reduced when individuals engage in critical thinking. Careful analysis of an issue reduces mere thought effect because it takes into consideration various alternatives. More info here - net-boss.org/the-power-of-the-placebo-effect-by-randy-baker

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Very well said. I agree, and indeed, I wrote this a while back...


From my research into the impacts on health of chronic defensive nervous system states, I have felt, from the start, that the current crisis is, in part, an epidemic of chronic fear. In this model, a global level of endemic chronic stress pre-outbreak meant that the background immune function of humanity was low.

Against this background, proliferation and shredding was then able to occur at an accelerated rate. This was then further exacerbated by even greater levels of chronic fear being generated post-outbreak, due to government messaging and the media narratives.

This model was confirmed for me yesterday by the CDC report:

"Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized with Cd19, March 2020–March 2021"

which states, amongst other things:

"Among 4,899,447 hospitalized adults, 540,667 (11.0%) were infected, the strongest risk factors for death were obesity, and anxiety and fear-related disorders..."

"...whereas obesity, diabetes with complication, and anxiety disorders were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness."

"Relative risk of death in the full model was 30% higher with obesity, 28% higher with anxiety and fear-related disorders... These conditions were also associated with a higher risk of IMV and ICU admission."

Even in the existential crisis of the second world war, the government messaging was "keep calm and carry on", when it was bombs killing people. In a crisis in which the governmental science itself states that fear is one of the biggest risk factors for death, the messaging has been "panic, and hide". This is clearly not a good combination.

Given this very direct link between fear and anxiety and risk of worse outcomes including death, to my mind, the fear mongering, division and stress inherent in governmental messaging and edicts, has not only been misguided and irresponsible, but according to the above analysis, must have literally resulted, and continues to result, in more death and loss than was necessary. The inherent fear mongering in the media narrative, for purposes of selling more papers and advertising space, could even be assessed to be murderous and criminal.

Now we know the connection exists between fear and death, I would like to see fear mongering stop.

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