I am reading a book from 1965 called "Food Is Your Best Medicine" by Dr. Henry Bieler. He has a chapter on obesity and how it was becoming an serious health problem even back then. This wasn't his area of expertise, I believe endocrinology was, but he often treated patients for overweight on an individual basis, not with a one-size-fits-all mentality.

What freaks me out is that there is not much in the way of research trying to determine the causes of obesity and why over the last 50-70 years is has become a increasing problem. It is more than over eating and lack of exercise. Something else is going on and researchers are loathe to study it. All they want to do is invent some magic pill because that is what many people seem to desire. That is tragic, for as with most drugs, obesity pills and potions are extremely harmful to the natural body.

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EMF and blue light toxicity are a huge contributor as well:


Did you know that photobiologists maintain that an astounding two-thirds of our bodies’ energy requirements come from light, and only one third from food alone?

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fascistic/ communist Idiocracy is the global pandemic.

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All true , right on the message. I’m on only red meat , eggs and boiled water , seafood . Cook my eggs in tallow or boil them

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Sounds like obesity epidemic is just what the elites called for! Could be early death to many!! Heck they wouldn’t have to find another “lab leak” for manufactured viruses! It’s genius!!

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Great post! I truly believe that general widespread poor health was one of the major driving factors of the covid hysteria. (And perhaps explains why the hospital protocols ended in worse outcomes than doing virtually anything else- eliminate a targeted portion of the population? Sure looks more and more like this was the planned outcome) I don’t think the problem is truly going to be resolved (endless “pandemics”) until people start taking back their health and telling pharma off.

Anyone who takes the time to understand where good health comes from (which is not from an injection or prescription pill) is going to be far less likely to fall for big pharma and “public health” scams.

Thankfully, none of my children (young adults) fell for the scam because I have been teaching them principles of good health for many years. Microbes and genetics only play a minor roll in the vast majority of chronic diseases, unless we are talking about a healthy microbiome. A healthy microbiome is everything. Instead of being taught to fear microbes, we respect and work with them for optimal health results.

I’m so appreciative of health and wellness leaders who helped me to learn these things. So many great resources are out there. This is definitely one of them. Love it! Again, many thanks.

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What is”severe obesity”? Definition of terms would be helpful here.

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Dr. Simon, Do you really believe Evolution of humans and animals is science? How so?

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Great article and recommendations to boot. I am reading the book titled “The Wheat Belly” by William R. Davis, MD. It was eye opening to learn that the wheat we eat today has been genetically altered to such a degree it no longer resembles that which was consumed by our ancestors. It’s kind of a paradox that the “healthier” whole wheat bread is likely more harmful to some than white bread. I haven’t cut the wheat out cold-turkey yet but I am gearing up for it.

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Hi. I heard you on what is money with Robert Breedlove.

If you have a lightning wallet or nostr account I will send you some sats.

Keep up the good work.

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What's missing from the list?

Deficiencies. They're cumulatively a leading cause of illness, disease & death, thanks to Rockefeller's institution of allopathic medicine & his destruction of natural medicine.

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"[A] striking 78% of patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 were either overweight or obese."

This particular stastistic is perhaps not so striking. Last I checked, something like 75% of Americans were overweight or obese to begin with.

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There’s a reason it’s not addressed. You are going directly head to head with, the industrial toxic from input to product agribusiness complex. The multi trillion dollar manufacturing of junk from these toxic commodities. And all of the multi million dollar per quarter profit corporations that enable it.

People like, ConAgra, BAYER, Caterpillar, PepsiCo, Hinze, all of the factory farm meat proteins producers, Tyson, Swanson, on and on and on and on and on

You are addressing the dominant paradigm Sir. Good luck with that

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